Our Sunday morning gathering is centered around these values:
Loving God: We love God through diverse music, the celebration of ancient and new forms of worship, the giving of our tithes and offerings, and more.
Becoming Disciples: Weekly discipleship practices include the reading of scripture, learning through the sermon, embracing confession, and sharing communion. Choosing Community: We choose community through Prayers of the People, Baptism, Profession of Faith, general community announcements and celebrations, and multi-generational involvement in our services. |
Opportunities To ServeIf you would like to participate as a volunteer for music, readings, or tech (livestream, sound, or lyrics),
you can reach out to our Worship Director, Kaitlyn Jacobs at [email protected]. |
Opportunities Outside of Sunday Morning
SpotifyListen to the upcoming Sunday’s music set in preparation for communal worship. This playlist is updated every Wednesday.
Prayer and Scripture PodcastCalvary creates its own podcast called Worship At Calvary on 8th where you can listen to weekly episodes of guided Lectio Divina prayer. Each episode is released on Monday or Tuesday with a passage to reflect on from the Sunday before.
YouTubeBrowse our archive of worship services.